Sunday, 9 December 2012

what is Design Pattern

                                               What is Design Pattern

First we consider the term Pattern:
“Pattern” as the name suggests, means series of events occurring in a definite order. The patterns can be found in Java and J2ee technologies also. Many a times, we find that there is a particular way of tackling a problem. This way is easy and has been used many times successfully by a number of people earlier also. This method becomes a pattern.

Learning the design patterns is a multiple step process:
1. Acceptance
2. Recognition
3. Internalization

One line defination of Design Pattern could be: 
“Design patterns are recurring solutions to design problems.”
Here Design Problems is the problem for which you have to make application.

The design patterns are language-independent strategies for solving common object-oriented design problems.

"Design Patterns are best practices how to solve common know problems"  

The terminology of "Design Pattern" in software development is based on the GOF (Gang of Four) book "Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" from Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides. Design Pattern are proven solutions approaches to specific problems. A design pattern is not framework and is not directly deployed via code.  

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